How to measure SEO success in 2023?

What is your prioritized aspect of your business and how do you measure and improve them?

Did you ask this question yourself in a while?

To appear in front of the right audience, your website needs to be optimized well. SEO is crucial to focus on maintaining a robust digital presence and you need a strong clutch over digital channels to grow the business. Myriad strategies improve your website SEO, provided you to apply them rightly.

Moreover, tracking SEO continuously and improving it is important to retain the website’s search engine ranking position and performance. Despite SEO being the most systematic and logical digital marketing tactic, it needs regular analysis and monitoring. Do you know, how to measure SEO results to improve presence of your online business?

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Why do you need to measure SEO results?

SEO is a robust practice to facilitate business growth, however, you must have a solid result-tracking system to ensure the top-notch performance of your website. If ROI is not increasing, it implies that SEO needs improvement; this is the most important reason to measure SEO results.  

And another reason SEO tracking is crucial is that you would never know if the organic growth strategy were on point or if it requires to be tweaked. Last but not the least, to scale your website ranking, overall revenue, and organic traffic, it is requiring to analyze it continuously.

How to measure SEO success?

SEO strategists focus on some important metrics and define broad-level KPIs into which the metrics fall.

For example, organic traffic is one of the important digital marketing KPIs but pageviews, users, and sessions are the metrics corresponding to that KPI.

1. Keyword Rankings

Each website requires to rank higher in SERPs and it is an indicator of its success. Keyword ranking is one such metric that decides a website’s position in search engines. To measure keyword ranking, there are some facets to track. 

While performing a keyword research, You must track the primary keyword per page to see how your main targeted keywords are performing. Though Google has a semantic nature, and it ranks your pages for more than one keywords if the main keywords are performing well, then the results will be in your favor. 

There are other auxiliary keywords and based on their relevancy Google finds your content and ranks your pages. Thus, you must know that for how many keywords your pages are ranking for and whether are they relevant or not. These keywords can be tracked using Google Search Console and Ahrefs.

2. Organic Traffic

Track traffic, Google Analytics is the best traffic tracking tool. Go to Acquisition > Channels > Organic Search > Users and you will be able to check organic search results immediately.

If measuring via GA4 (Google Analytics 4), follow a few steps and track overall traffic and organic search results. Click on ‘Reports,’ select ‘User Acquisition’ and ‘Traffic Acquisition’ and select the duration you wish to see the results, and you will be able to see the traffic across all the channels in the form of charts.

GA4 also gives you an exact number of users coming from distinct channels and provides precise results for metrics like engagement sessions, engagement rate, conversions, etc.

3. Engagement

When you start measuring engagement, you get more understanding of customer journey. Some specific sets of engagement metrics show the behaviour and level of interest of your target audience who visit your website. 

In GA4, track engagement sessions, average engagement time per session, engaged sessions per user, and engagement rate.

To track these metrics in GA4, go to Acquisition > Traffic acquisition > Channels section and then get results for engaged sessions, average engagement time per user, engaged sessions per user, and engagement rate.

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4. Conversions

It is one of the important indicators to track your website’s SEO performance. For B2C, conversions can be tracked via metrics such as site visits, product views, checkout, etc.

But for B2B, conversion is a vast term, and it can be divided into multiple funnel stages such as marketing qualified leads, sales qualified leads, opportunity, client, etc. To increase B2B website conversion rate, every organization has its own set of metrics to measure. 

In GA4, conversion reports can be accessed by clicking on ‘Engagement Report’ and then choosing ‘Conversions’. You can also opt for more specific results by clicking on the ‘+’ sign beside ‘Event Name’ to choose ‘Traffic Source’ and ‘Session source/medium’.

Once you select the appropriate options, you will start getting conversions across all the marketing channels. 

5. SEO Sourced Revenue

Last but not the least, after all the above-mentioned metrics, come to your end objective, which is revenue.

The more revenue you achieve, the more your strategies are working well. The numbers help you to drive other significant B2C or B2B SEO strategies to build a successful business.

You can measure revenue through Google Analytics but for more accurate numbers, you can also try some fully dedicated attribution models.

How much does it take to have visible SEO results?

SEO results have different interpretations for distinct organizations. However, results can be evident in the form of keyword rankings, search traffic, and leads, therefore you must know these interpretations.

If your website pages are well-optimized, it will get indexed faster and will start moving upwards in SERPs for relevant keywords. As soon as keyword rankings show growth, search traffic numbers also start moving further. It somewhere takes a little more than keyword ranking. 

Once your pages hit the first page of Google and start ranking between 1 and 10, then traffic also increases on your pages and that is when you start getting a colossal number of leads. This entire process might take around 8 to 12 months for the results.

Wrapping up

Now you know everything you need to track and how to measure them. Measuring SEO results is not only about knowing numbers, but you need to extract important data effectively to use it for the betterment of organizational processes. 

To make your SEO process streamline and to increase your organic traffic – contact Skynet Technologies – SEMrush agency partner who provides SEO services to start-ups, small businesses, and large business. Contact now and hire professional SEO who helps you to tweak, or re-shape SEO strategies accordingly to acquire your business goals. You can also fill out the form below to request a free quote.

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