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Wire Transfer form

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Saudi Arab

Field 56 Swift Code / BIC AAALSARI
(Intermediary bank) Bank Clearing Code SA15 5000 0000 0310 0217 7003
For credit to: Account Number 031002177003
Field 57 Beneficiary Bank ICICI Bank Ltd., Mumbai (India)
 Additional details required for crediting a Savings / Current Account:
Ultimate beneficiary: Account Number* 020505004657 (Beneficiary's 12 digit A/c No. with ICICI Bank)
Field 59 Account Name Skynet Technologies (Account holder's name)

For smooth and timely processing of the transaction:

Please ensure that your Name, overseas bank account number, email ID, overseas address / contact number and Purpose of Remittance is mentioned in the wire transfer message sent by your local bank. Kindly mention Charges as "OUR" in the wire (swift) remittance form.

Please note that the SWIFT code / BIC of the intermediary bank mentioned above is currency specific and is common for all branches

  • For timely credits to your account you must provide the purpose of remittance
  • The SWIFT code / BIC of the correspondent bank is currency specific and is common for transfers to account with any ICICI Bank branch in India
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